
Meera is a coming of age story, following a child into adulthood, and exploring Meera’s relationships with friends, family, a husband and a lover. It’s themes include loyalty, fidelity, love, compassion, remorse and forgiveness.

Meera portrays the relationship and relational conflicts of the protagonist, her choices and, ultimately, her recovery. It also portrays various relationship outcomes of other characters in the book.

Meera is currently on its second print.

Meera Book

Meera, is available internationally on View on Amazon


Five-year- old Meera is sweetly heartbroken when the focus of her innocent crush, nineteen- year-old Ari moves overseas. But Ari soon becomes a faint memory as Meera immerses herself in a world of family, friends and the business of growing up – sadly, that includes trauma that no child should ever face.

Treading through betrayals and loyalties, discovering secrets and creating some of her own, Meera grows into a young woman. She marries and moves to New York with her adoring husband, Neel. But Meera and Ari’s paths cross once again after two decades apart. This time their friendship holds a forbidden lust.

Meera’s marriage goes through a trial by fire that leads her to a therapist’s couch, and to uncover long buried truths. Meanwhile, her family in India must deal with crises and needs her more than ever. Meera is tested as a sister, a daughter, a lover, a friend, a wife. How much will these bonds endure?

Coloured by heartache, remorse, love and redemption, and spanning Jaipur, Delhi, Mumbai and New York, Meera is a story that will touch readers in unexpected ways.